Piston-ring failures
Number of failures of piston-rings in each of three legs in each of four steam-driven compressors located in the same building. The compressors have identical design and are oriented in the same way.
A data frame with X rows and X columns:
- comp_id
Compressor ID (1 to 4)
- leg
Compressor leg (North, Center, South)
- n_failures
Number of failures observed)
Davies, O.L. and Goldsmith, P.L. (eds.) (1972) Statistical Methods in Research and Production, 4th Edition, Edinburgh: Oliverand Boyd, 324.
Questions of interest are whether the probability of failure varies between compressors or between different legs, and whether the pattern of the location of failures is different for different compressors. Davies and Goldsmith investigate these questions using chi-squared tests; log-linear analysis might be an alternative.
tab <- xtabs(n_failures ~ comp_id + leg, data = piston)
#> leg
#> comp_id Center North South
#> 1 17 17 12
#> 2 9 11 13
#> 3 8 11 19
#> 4 7 14 28
#> Pearson's Chi-squared test
#> data: tab
#> X-squared = 11.722, df = 6, p-value = 0.06846