Building regular four-and-two-level designs in python#

This package provides several tools to work with four-and-two-level (FATL) designs. These designs only have factors with two or four levels. They are also regular, meaning that the aliasing between the factors is either complete or null.

To explore the relationships between factors in a design, you can use words and defining relations. These concepts are explained in the following sections, along with examples using functions from this package:

However, the core of this package is the class that allows you to generate FATL designs, and characterize them using several criteria. The class and its related methods are detailed, using examples, in these following sections:

The complete module documentation is also available here.

Along with Index a list of all the functions, classes and methods of the package.


The package can be downloaded from pypi and installed on your machine using the following command:

pip install fatld

Contact & Contribution#

For any questions/suggestions related to this project, you can contact me at alexandre dot bohyn at kuleuven dot be.

This is an on-going project so any help is welcome. If you want to contribute, you can either create an issue on Github or send me an email.


This online work is licensed under a MIT license. Visit here for more information about the license.