
This is the mldoeR package. It contains a catalog of regular four-and-two-level designs. It also contains useful functions to handle and analyze those designs.


For visualization purposes, you might want to generate a search-table. The searchTable() function makes this possible for two-level designs. The search-table for \(2^{6-2}\) designs of resolution \(III\) looks like this.

st <- searchtable(k = 4, p = 2, R = 3)
#> # A tibble: 11 × 3
#>    gen   f     g    
#>    <chr> <chr> <chr>
#>  1 ab    abf   abg  
#>  2 ac    acf   acg  
#>  3 bc    bcf   bcg  
#>  4 abc   abcf  abcg 
#>  5 ad    adf   adg  
#>  6 bd    bdf   bdg  
#>  7 abd   abdf  abdg 
#>  8 cd    cdf   cdg  
#>  9 acd   acdf  acdg 
#> 10 bcd   bcdf  bcdg 
#> 11 abcd  abcdf abcdg

If you want to generate search-table for mixed-level designs, the mSearchtable() function is there. For example, you can generate the search-table for \(4^{1}2^{5}\) designs of resolution \(III\) in \(2^5\) runs.

mST <- mixed_searchtable(m = 1, k = 5, p = 2, R = 3)
#> # A tibble: 25 × 4
#>    generators f     g     h    
#>    <chr>      <chr> <chr> <chr>
#>  1 cd         cdf   cdg   cdh  
#>  2 ce         cef   ceg   ceh  
#>  3 de         def   deg   deh  
#>  4 ac         acf   acg   ach  
#>  5 bc         bcf   bcg   bch  
#>  6 abc        abcf  abcg  abch 
#>  7 ad         adf   adg   adh  
#>  8 bd         bdf   bdg   bdh  
#>  9 abd        abdf  abdg  abdh 
#> 10 ae         aef   aeg   aeh  
#> # … with 15 more rows


In these search-table, the generators are presented as strings. However, you can easily get the number representation of a generator, from its string, using the char2num() function.

gen = "acd"
#> [1] 13

The num2char() function allows you to do the invert operation.

#> [1] "acd"